Friday, January 29, 2010

Friend or Foe: Real or Fake?

I was on Facebook checking messages and posting a new status when I came across a status of a good friend of mine and it read "Friend or Foe: Real or Fake..... who's who. im tha friend to everyone, but who's tha friend to me. oh yeah {ME!!!} ME, MYSLEF, & I.... thats all I have at tha end of tha day!!! POW" and I decided to make that my topic today. Well i think that over the past couple of years from high school to college I have made many accquaintences and very few friends. In high school I had to learn the hard way to realize who my real friends were. And I can honestly day that I have only three true girlfriends the rest are just people I happen to hang out with from time to time. But how can you really know if someone is being real or fake with you? I have sense for these type of things. I can tell when someone is lying to me or telling the truth especially men. I don't know its a gift I But for many people you can not determine if someone is being completely honest with you or not? My girls and I have been friends for over ten years they are like my sisters. And for anyone who knows me, knows who these girls are and they know who they are as well. I made a promise that I will not name names without permission. I'm not Karine Steffans or anything. But anyway back to the topic at hand. My girls and I have been through alot together. We laughed,we cried, we fought, we argued and we even stopped talkin for periods of time like family would do. Yet in all the years I've know them I have never gotten to a point where I said I would stop being their friend. But I've had girls that I have came across who crossed me and tried to think I wouldn't find out and they found out the hard way how I am when I am crossed. Let's just say you're better off staying on my good side. Fake people truly disgust me. Whats wrong with keeping it real? Like I said before I am going to keep it real and be brutally honest on this blog the only line I will not cross is putting names out there. That would be unclassy of me. I'm not out for revenge. Moving on means growth for me. Ok so here is how you can tell if you have a real friend or a fake friend. A real friend will not let you walk out of the house looking crazy, a fake friend will let you wear anything because nine times of ten they will try to make themselves look good but making you look bad. A real friend will not let you drunk dial your ex talking reckless and crying on the phone, a fake friend will not only let you do this but they will find amusement in watching you make a fool of yourself. A real friend will not cross the line and date, call or talk to someone you slept with (unless it's for your sake), a fake friend will go behind your back and get his number. Remember ladies you can not blame the man, your friend should know better and this man is being a man its the reason why you let him go in the first place. A real friend will have your back in a fight (unless its one on one), a fake friend will disappear or step to the side while you get your ass whipped by three girls, and when the smoke clears shes fake picking you up off the floor with not a scratch on her body talking about "you ok?". A real friend will hold you down when someone says something bad and untrue about you, a fake friend will keep their mouth closed. And the list goes on and on. I'm sure alot of us have fake friends. That friend you won't go out with because she causes drama. Or the girl you won't leave alone with your man. Most of us have had that friend before. The one flirts a little too hard. So heres my question how do you know if you have a fake fiend or a real friend? And remember the best friend you'll ever have is yourself only you can love yourself just as much as God does.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

My First Blog Post

Let me start by thanking everyone who is here visiting my blog and supporting me. I started this blog mainly because I have alot to say and I have found myself being a therapist/advice colomnist to my friends and often people I don't even know. I want to be able and give my words or wisdom and encouragement to everyone. On here I will talk about love, life, men, women, family and anything you want to talk about. Let me also point out that I invite anyone on here to speak your mind that means that even if you do not agree with what I am saying then tell me I want to be able to hear from every point of view. Now let me tell you a little bit about me. My name is Carrie and I am from the DMV and proud of it. For those of you who don't know what or where that is, it's DC Maryland and Virginia area but we just call it the DMV or short. I grew up in Silver Spring, MD and I am a proud product of the Montgomery County Public School System. I'm 22 and single just trying to find my place in the world. I want to leave this world knowing that I made a difference and a small mark if any on this earth. So without further adue may introduce Carrie L's World...

Commiment? What's So Hard About that?

I decided to start with this subject mainly because it's one of the subjects in this world that intrigues me the most. I have wonder for so many years why we as humans (not all) but some can not seem to commit to one person. Me personally have stuggled with this for many years. I'll find a guy who is right for me in everyway and I'll try to find some flaw in him and I am the one who ends up messing it up. I use the excuse that "I don't want to get hurt" knowing damn well this man is not going to hurt me at all. The truth is I am terrifed of relationships. They scare the shit out of me! I have tried for to stick it out and stay but I struggle most of the time with the staying part. I kno what you women are thinking who is this lady? And you men where have you been all my life? Well let me be honest I don't really enjoy being single, I am sige yes by choice but also to ensure that I don't hurt another man. I am trying my hardest to remain selfless because sometimes it's women like me who mes it up for future women who a man might end up with. Let me also say that I am in no way a permiscuous woman, I am very selective of who I sleep with sometimes too selective is to why at the moment I am celebate. Still I can't seem to find a solution to my delema. I have always found that adding a title on to something can sometimes ruin a good thing. It's like Carrie Bradshaw and Mr. Big getting married in the Sex and The City movie when they were perfectly happy just being together. I want a monogomous relationship where I can be happy and content without the fear of hurting my partner of getting hurt. My girlfriend said that maybe my fear of commitment comes from me getting hurt so many times where I opened up and gave a man my all who didnt deserve me. I don't want to think I'm crazy or weird for being one of the few women out here who can't commit. And remember this is not by choice. I want to be able to commit and give myself entirely to someone, I'm just not sure how to. And at times when I do fall I fall for the worng one. It's frustrating. It's been my experience that relationships take a lot of work. It's like having a second job that you get paid for with love but also fights and tears. And who likes to fight? I don't. I 'll tellyou right now if I get into an argument with someone they will only be arguing with themsleves because I don't do the yelling and screaming part. I feel like as adults we should be able to keep things civil and talk to eachother. So answer me this question why do you think that it is so hard for people, men and women, to commit?