Thursday, March 4, 2010

Stupid In Love...

I was listening to Rihanna'a song entitled Stupid In Love. And I decided to write about what my interpretation of the song would be. Big ups to RiRi for her latest album entitled Rated R. Stupid In many of us have been there? You would do anything and everything for your significant other knowing damn well they wouldn't do the same for you. Man what can I say I've been there numerous times. Thinking that if I put my all into him then maybe I might get that back in return. I had to learn the hard way many times I was being used for whatever reason weather it be my body my, money, my car or anything else. For a long time my vision was clouded by the fantasy that maybe one day I would get half of what I was giving to these men who weren't even worth the effort. I swear life to me has been one big learning experience, many instances I had to learn for myself the lessons and sometimes consequences for my actions. As I got old enough to realize that I had to love myself first before I could truly love someone else. I also had to learn how to respect myself before I could ask for it from someone else. But being stupid in love was one of the hardest lessons I ever had to learn. Reason being that I always ended up putting my all including my heart into a relationship and always getting hurt was the end. So after the last time it happened I wised up and promised myself I would never let it happen to me again. Finally after it happened more times than it should by the One story was a few years back I was dating this dude he was cool and I actually loved hanging with him, we had a lot of fun together. We met at my best friend's birthday dinner one year. And at the time my girl was dating his friend. When I met him the complicated part was that his "ex" so he said, went to college with me and he asked me had I known her. He pointed out that she was my friend on facebook. Ha! That should been a red flag for me right? Nope it wasn't, my vision was clouded at the time. But anyway he went on to tell me all about her and things and I told him that every friend I have on Facebook I don't know personally. So now that his sneaky ass knows that I dint know her I was free game to date and go out with. We ended up dating for a couple months but in that time I was stupid for him doing any and everything he asked me to do. I did things for him that in mind I knew wasn't right and I still did it. By the way let me point out that he rocks with fake money! I have no respect for dude, this is to him: YOU'RE A FUCKING CLOWN! OK I'm to step outside myself for a minute. But to make a long story short I ended up finding out that he was still with his girlfriend and I was the mistress. Even back then that's not a title I would ever hold for anyone. And I also found out that I knew her too, my aunt was her hair stylist. Now days I refuse to be tricked, used or neglected again. Don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. I'm not saying I'm bitter or scorned just smart. And if the situation is not in my best intrest then I leave it alone. Although I am a bit jaded I still have enough room left in my heart for love and I intend to find one of these days. Just at this point in my life I'm enjoying the days God is giving me. And I made a very big promise to myself that I would live everyday as if it were my last,because, we truly don't know how many times God intends to let us wake up everyday. To all my readers (I'm speaking to my female and male readers) never be stupid in love or stupid in anything and always remember to love thy self.

Peace and Love

Carrie L.

P.S. post some topics you want me to speak about or if you have questions for me I'll answer them in my post.

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