Friday, March 5, 2010

Unconditional Love...

The subject for this post I am going to have to give to a long time friend of my mother. Thanks again Ms. Theresa. Now I have my own definition of unconditional love. Unconditional love to me is loving someone for everything they are while accepting them for all of their flaws and imperfections. Most of time unconditional love come from your family. For example your parents. I can honestly say that I have unconditional love from my dad. He is one of the most influential people in my life. When I thought that I wouldn't be able to make it through my dad was always there on my side letting me know that as long as I have God in my life I can over come anything that came my way. Not only is he a loving and supportive father he also had to fill the void of being my mother as well. My mother passed away when I was only two years old. Leaving my father to do twice the parenting. She was killed in a car accident. My father stepped up to raise my brother and I the best way he knew how. And in my opinion he did an excellent job. He showed us unconditional love by being a wonderful father and an awesome teacher. He was not the traditional father who tried to keep us under an iron fist, he let us live our lives making mistakes so we could learn from them. For this I have always had the up most respect for my father. Yet unconditional love is such broad subject. You can have unconditional love for inanimate objects reason being that love can be so broad. But unconditional love to me is one thing: love that has no boundaries making it easy to love with all of your being. So my questions readers, do you have unconditional love someone?

Peace and Love

Carrie L.

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